Friday 6 August 2010

Promotional Campaign

One of the things I'm adamant about is that it's not really worth the investment of time and effort if very few people are going to pay attention - so promoting my tweets is going to be important.

If we ever do get our plasma screen then it will have an obvious and immediate benefit - but I want the impact to go a little further.

For instance, our medical faculty has several plasma screens (including one in the library) which don't really get updated - I'm trying to see if they'll insert my Twitter feed onto their screens.

I'm now including a link to my feed on all of my work emails, which will get it a little bit of exposure to people who are already on Twitter.

I'll be giving a lecture to all of our Year 3 medical students in a few weeks - I'll try and drop a mention of it into the presentation somehow - and I may well make the link visible at some point in training sessions I run throughout the next academic year.

Finally, I want to use it as just one part of the outreach programme the library wants to run with clinical teams in the hospital - which will have the added benefit that I can tailor it to suit the needs and interests of any teams that we work with.

Ahhh, it all sounds so easy ;o)

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