Friday, 14 January 2011

Use of Imagery

Unless we get some really good, dedicated plasma-screen-display software given to us when the screen is installed, then the obvious tool to use for the screen is PowerPoint.

But with PowerPoint comes PowerPoint-Slide-Design-Fatigue - there are only a limited number of PowerPoint slide designs, and by now everyone's seen almost all of them countless times. The only impact on your audience that using a standard PPT slide design will have is "Oh, he's using that design. How dull."

The solution? Photographs.

No, not snapshots of the library - I'm talking about professional-looking images that really catch the eye. Ones that are appropriate for the environment, and which are interesting to look at. And (and here's the trick) ones that can be used legally - using good-looking pictures from a quick Google Images search without checking their copyright status is out of the question.

I'll be mainly using two sources:

  • Photographs in Microsoft clip art
  • Creative Commons content on Flikr
What's more, I'll be using them for two different puposes:
  • Background images for text
  • "Spacer" images - no text, just the image, used to separate slides with content
The "spacer" images may seem superfluous to some, but to my mind they are very important. They break up the presentation so that it's not just a continuous stream of text, and they provide something that might just catch someone's interest and get them watching the screen.

Furthermore, whilst I intend to use images that are relevant to health and medicine, I fully intend to also use images that are not directly relevant, but which I think look nice (for want of a better word) or interesting. Of course, what makes for a "nice" or interesting image is an entirely subjective judgement on my part - c'est la vie.

Things Aren't As Quiet As They Seem...

It's been quite a while since I last posted news about the plasma screen display idea, for a couple of good reasons:

  • The autumn term is always extremely busy, so side projects tend to take a bit of a back seat (most of last term was consumed with developing two half-day training courses on using Reference Manager)
  • As we didn't have the plasma screen, there was no point in dedicating significant time to a project with no immediate likelihood of having a positive outcome
That's not to say that I spent no time whatsoever thinking about this - in fact, quite the opposite. I'm convinced that if we can implement a plasma screen display in the way that I want, it will be a really effective tool (okay, so that may come across as a little arrogant, I'll admit!).

As a result, the idea is always in the back of my mind and whenever I have a moment I try thinking of how I can make the display as effective as possible, and get it to do the things that I want it to.

This has led to three key developments in the past few months:
  • Use of imagery on the slides
  • Insertion of live web pages and tweets in slides
  • Repurposing of relevant external content
I'll write separate posts to discuss each of those in more detail shortly (otherwise this post would end up looking more like a dissertation than a blog post!).

In the meantime, I might as well reveal one final piece of news that has some relevance to this whole idea... we've been given the money to go ahead and get the plasma screen!

I'll allow myself a small smile to celebrate this step forward - but I'm not going to get too excited until I see the screen in place, running the presentation (at this stage I'm not counting a single chicken).